Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Farewell, my students!

We have had many lessons together and I'm happy to see what you have achieved so far. I really enjoyed working with you.
Now when the time has come to move on, I wish you all the strength and good luck in the future!
Follow your dreams, but don't hesitate to work hard.

Keep in touch! You are welcome to:
  • share your final thoughts here
  • your news during holidays and
  • first impressions of your new school

Thursday, 5 June 2008

She's the Man

Oh! She shoots, she scores! Goal! ...

Look at the movie poster. Have you seen this film?

Tell in comments about you and secrets. Do you have a secret, do you share and keep secrets?

Check the film details here or here and read about an interview with an actor. What information do you find useful?

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Competitions all around

I definitely know what boys are going to do on Wednesday evening. What about girls?
Try to predict the winner of this year's Champions League or Eurovision Contest. Who do you support? Who is your favourite sportsperson or musician? Why?
Describe also what is in your opinion the biggest surprise in a (sport or music) competition.

(photo by Keith Lester)

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Go greener in 2008!

22nd April is the Earth Day. It's time to remind everyone of our responsibility. So let's discuss environmental issues.
What do you do to protect the Earth?
What are some of the tips for being more eco-friendly? Write at least 3 sentences.

For more ideas check the following pages:
What you can do
Earth Day
Environmental tips
Optional activities:
- Try this quiz to see what changes in your behaviour you can make to go greener.
- Watch this slideshow by students at Humphreys Avenue School.

(Credits: picture by MontanaRaven on FlickR, slideshow by Hose Rodriguez)

Sunday, 6 April 2008

...what I've done

Music is surely part of our everyday life.

Watch the video. While you listen, do the quiz below. Tell about your score.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Bloggers of the Month

In March the title goes to: Edina, Nina, Hana, Sanja and Anita. Well done!

Friday, 28 March 2008


Do you remember your interesting literature display?
Some time ago you brought to your English lesson an item connected with you and literature. Many showed to us your favourite books. But what is a fable?
Use 2-3 different sources to find information on the topic to be able to join the class discussion on Tuesday. Bring with you notes and examples. Think also about Slovenian fables. Don't forget to note down your sources.

(Postcard by Ronald Searle from 1975)

Monday, 24 March 2008

Time expressions in my life

I went shopping on Saturday afternoon. I didn't spend a lot.
I haven't seen my students since Friday...

Choose some of the time expressions below (at least 5) and write sentences about your life:
  1. on Saturday afternoon
  2. since 7.30 this morning
  3. since Friday
  4. yesterday
  5. last month
  6. up till now
  7. in July 2007
  8. for more than three years
  9. last night
  10. for 10 days
If you want, you can change the time expressions (e. g. numbers, days, months...) or even add your own ones.
I hope you can do this task by the end of this week.

Friday, 21 March 2008


Happy Easter!

How do you eat your chocolate Easter bunny? I start with the ears first...

How are these Easter words and traditions connected with you: eggs, religious, presents, ham, March/April, Slovenian potica (nut roll), ...?

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Pros and cons...of body piercing

Discuss advantages and disadvantages here.

Check this page if you are interested in this topic. What is for you the most amazing fact? Do you know anything else that is not mentioned in the article?

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Creative writers

Gregor, Anita and Kaja R. took up the blog challenge of writing about happiness in rhymes. They did a great job. You can read their wonderful poems here.

Game shows

I know that some of you are nuts about TV. Today you can choose between two tasks: a real one or an imaginary one.
  1. Do you watch game shows? What's your favourite? Why? What do the contestants have to do? Would you like to take part in a game show? or:
  2. Use your imagination. Describe to us a game show of your own that you would offer to TV stations for a broadcast on their channel. Think of the title, contestants, rewards...

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Bloggers of the Month

Well done, class. Almost everybody has joined our class blog and contributed at least one comment.
But some deserve to be pointed out due to the number of comments or the quality of their contributions in February.
I'm proud to announce Bloggers of the Month: Anita, Matjaz, Gregorijev, Sanja, Jimmy, Edina, Kor, Hana, Shovel-chin and Sugarholic.

Keep up the good work everyone!

Thursday, 6 March 2008

One-hit wonders

In the field of music one can come across "one-hit wonders". Are you familiar with this term?
Magazines, web pages, etc. often publish Top of … lists. Here is an example of a list of bands who had one hit wonders. I wonder how many pieces of music in this video you recognize. What are your impressions of them? Is the list fair at all?

Personal music tastes differ. What are your music favourites? U2 and Jon Bon Jovi are at the top of my BEST-EVER list.

Music fans, I'm waiting for your comments!

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Television rules!

The first voting on this blog has shown that my students learn most of their English from television.
Do you agree with the results?
Why do students still need English lessons at school?

Friday, 22 February 2008


I'm glad that you have joined this learning blog and shared your first ideas.
But remember: more blog posts will come in March, so stay with me / us.

There is no doubt about your feelings on coming holidays. What else makes you happy? Your new stylish handy, loud rock music, relaxing talk with friends...?
Very often small things carry great significance.
Write your Happiness recipe.
Here is a challenge for you: Can you do it in rhymes?

(Consider the deadline this time:
You have to complete this assignement till 9am, 5th March!)

Enjoy your holidays! You deserve them.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Lottery interview!

Gains at lottery! … I haven't won yet but a boy in his twenties, once a student at our school, won a lottery around two years ago. It was certainly a mega win for him: 250 million tolars! I know this lucky winner and I wonder what you would ask him in an interview about his life before he won the lottery and his life since he won.

Put down at least one question and /or when you are out of ideas for the questions, give the lottery winner's possible answers. To avoid repetition read other questions and answers before you post your own ones.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Fame and fortune

Let's start with our new topic Fame and fortune.
Think of some famous people from our country or the world.
What comes to your mind in connection with famous people?
Why are they famous? What do/did they do?
How do you feel about fame… (or luck, happiness, success if you prefer these key words)? Would you like to be famous? Why (not)?
I'm asking you:
  • to express your views on one or two of the questions above (minimum 2 sentences) and
  • to respond to other students' entries.

Welcome to English lessons on blog!

Hello class!

Let's bring a new variety to our English lessons.
This blog will give you opportunities to use your English in communication with your classmates and your teacher through this widely-spread digital medium.
On many occasions you have proven to be good readers, writers, creators, internet users... and I hope you will find blogging challenging enough to join in with ideas and commentaries regularly.
Let me remind you that this is a learning zone. I hope you can respect that. No offends, please!