I know that some of you are nuts about TV. Today you can choose between two tasks: a real one or an imaginary one.
- Do you watch game shows? What's your favourite? Why? What do the contestants have to do? Would you like to take part in a game show? or:
- Use your imagination. Describe to us a game show of your own that you would offer to TV stations for a broadcast on their channel. Think of the title, contestants, rewards...
hello =)
um i must say that i don't watch game shows because they are lame and boring most of the time
imagination shows (but just some) are better because they are more funny and interesting. =)
I don't watch game shows, but I did some time ago. My favourite game show was igre brez meja. I liked it, bacause it was very funny. Contestants had to walk on some sort of tables on wother. It was funny to watch how they have fallenin a wother one after another. I'm not sure, maybe I would take a part in a game show.
Generally I don't watch game shows. They are too boring.
But sometimes if I really don't have nothing clever to do, I watch them. And yes, they can be fun too, but mostly of them aren't nothing special.
I prefer to watch movies or reality shows.
I sometimes watch tv shows( just when I have a lot of time). but it's funny I think. I don't know if game shows including reality shows. But I like to watch them the most. And i agree with Edina---> "igre brez meja" are the best.
Hello=) Well, I don’t watch show games, but sometimes I watch Milijonar. My opinion is that show games are funny for people who play in, but for as television viewer, are not. I watch them if I have a lot free time. However, I prefer watch a films or some serials =).
I absolutely hate game shows because it spoils the time which is intended for some good films or shows to be broadcasted. I ignore game shows 'cause they're full of bad humour and lack of taste. They're puting in front money, which we all know isn't the most important value in this cruel material world. I prefer some good european movies that are broadcasted on RTV1.
Great, girls. I wonder what's the matter with boys. Do you think they're watching football and gambling?
I certainly expected to hear from them about TV.
i'm a boy. noot.
i am bored by tv in general. but game shows make it disgusting. They make me nervous and along with soap operas ruin my day often. So normally i keep my tv shut down till evening, when there are some films on usually.If i'd have to form a game show i would watch out that it wouldn't be all just about money. i guess i agree with sanja perfectly.
Nobody likes game shows? Well, me neither. I don’t watch this because I don’t have anything from it (if you know what I mean) and it’s so boring. I think it’s just a waste of time. Maybe it is intently for competitors but I don’t want to appear on tv, so I definitely wouldn’t do something like that. Actually I don’t have anything against those prizes, but anyway, no, thanks.
I hate game shows. Personally because the game show host is a bad actor or is clinically insane( Jonas on Lepo je biti milijonar :P ). However there are those exceptions where i actually enjoy. I remember watching a game show, where they asked a bunch of slovenian people on one question. Then the competitors had to guess the answers. :D
I also don't like TV shows and I don't watch them.But if I would have I chance to make a TV show it would be for children, because I think that we don't have any of them in Slovenia. But I would give any special rewards... Show would be for fun, maybe making out some new friends and stuff like that.That's all.
O, now I remembered...We have "Sive celice"...But I don't know any others.
Hi. Some of the game shows are good and "watchfull", but some aren't good enaugh to atract people. I usually don't watch shows of that type, but it happens when I'm bored.
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