Sunday, 20 April 2008

Go greener in 2008!

22nd April is the Earth Day. It's time to remind everyone of our responsibility. So let's discuss environmental issues.
What do you do to protect the Earth?
What are some of the tips for being more eco-friendly? Write at least 3 sentences.

For more ideas check the following pages:
What you can do
Earth Day
Environmental tips
Optional activities:
- Try this quiz to see what changes in your behaviour you can make to go greener.
- Watch this slideshow by students at Humphreys Avenue School.

(Credits: picture by MontanaRaven on FlickR, slideshow by Hose Rodriguez)


kaja said...

Well,I normally turn off lights,TV and computer,when I don't need them...I'm trying to get a bit greener,I even sign in Greenpeace-but I'm not doing anything,I'm just gettin their e-mail.
If we would live in a house,I'd probably persuade my parents to get a solar system and things like that... =)

sanja said...

I'm trying to get the world less pollutioned than it already is. My family and I are separating organic litter from the inorganic and we collect paper thing and we put it in the corner for recycling. We also have those energy-saving light bulbs. I hope my caring for nature is going to pay off and that I'll somehow help to get Earth more greener. (I got 66% at hte test)
By the way, I joined the Greenpeace organisation and I'll try to do join the actions about the global warming. And, I yet found another organisation called Peace Child , which is a youth organisation. I dont know much about it, so I have to stop writing this and go read more stuff about it. :)

Anonymous said...

hello! on the quiz I have 51% so I thing that I'm quit good and think quit green. my big mistake is, that I like wash my self a lot! I spend a lot of water.

edina** said...

I got 54% on that quiz, so I think quite green. I usually turn off the lights, TV... when I don't need them anymore. If I have a chance to sort garbage, i'll do it. I also don't let water run.

J.V said...

I am realy trying to be more and more greener. I always turn off the light's, TV, computer, etc when i dont need them, dont use that much water when i take shower's,and some other thing's (like separating litter's, etc). And i got about 70% on that quiz (a bit more, i believe (i didnt look how much i had, but i know that it was about 70%). And the biggest thing that bother's me from people that when i take a walk in the wood's that they leave trast just there on the track, instead of the trash can that's like...30 meter's away >.>. Well that's all for now. (i could still brag about thing's that people do that make me sick)

J.V said...

Oh, i forgot to mention, those student's name a realy good slidehow

Ingrid said...

It's great to see that you are trying to protect our planet.

There is a secret message displayed in our school hall near your English classroom. Can you solve it?
Write the hidden message and your name on a piece of paper and hand it to me. There are some rewards waiting for you!

gregorijev said...

my quiz was 49%. What i doo for the enviroment is that i seperate plasticn waste and i turn off lights, radios etc. when i dont need them. I personally thin 1 man can change the world, not by recicling, turning of lighst and stuff like that, but by inventing a new source of renewal energy wich is quite hard to do.

taiia xD said...

About the Kviz I have 56%. I think it’s good =).
Normally I put out the light and I never throw sweepings on the floor, but in garbage can.
My opinion is, that nobady alone, can protect an Earth, for this are need all people.

**tara** said...

hi!I'm finally writing this. However, I got 59% at the test and I think the score is quite good.
I do many things to protect our planet but I should do more. I always turn off the lights, when I left the room, I switch off computer, TV... I and my family are separating organic and inorganic food...If I have a chance, I always walk or cycle to school or anywhere else(if it's not too far of course).
But I should be more careful with switching off water; I usually forget about it and water runs for very long time.=)