Thursday, 21 February 2008

Lottery interview!

Gains at lottery! … I haven't won yet but a boy in his twenties, once a student at our school, won a lottery around two years ago. It was certainly a mega win for him: 250 million tolars! I know this lucky winner and I wonder what you would ask him in an interview about his life before he won the lottery and his life since he won.

Put down at least one question and /or when you are out of ideas for the questions, give the lottery winner's possible answers. To avoid repetition read other questions and answers before you post your own ones.


Jimmy said...

I can't believe that he won it:D wow! I mean 250 milion tolars. So if I would have a chance to interviev him I would ask him the following questions... "What feelings did came over you when you heard that you are the big winner?" and another one... "Who helped you chose the winning numbers and how did you choose them?" I think that is all that I want to know...And I don't have any further questions...Šalom:P

sanja said...

o rly? I could not belive it if someone else told me that. If I would be a journalist and must interview that person, I'd ask him how is he going to spend the money and how on earth this happened to him, if he has played lottery a lot or that was only a one time luck. I would ask him if he's prepared to donate for my satanic clique. Enough of jokeing. I also would be interested if the person is a member of Greenpeace or some common organization. But this kind of luck is also connected with fame. If I'd win lottery, I'd be so scared of dark places if someone would get around, attack me and stole all my winnings. That also would be a topic of my interview with this person. That would be everything from me for now.

Kor said...

Personally I would ask him:"WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE MONEY?". "Did you donate any money to charity?"( and if not why not) I would LOOOOOOOOVEEEE to win all of that money :D

mrs.morphine said...

Ohh he won the lottery! :D .I wish i would win 250 milion tolar.wauuu! =P.whell i would really like to know "how did he choose the combination=)?"."And where did he buy the lotto ticket?".He is a one lucky man =P .I'm jealous

Sugarholic said...

I agree with Tim =) i would ask the same questions.

but he's really lucky. I think his life turn around on much better. Well i don't know how he lived before he won the lottery, but anyways 250 million tolars is like..good 1 million € and its a loooooot of money.
otherwise lots of people who won the lottery yet... They spent it all in a short time, so I hope he didn't/won't do the same. =)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tim- is very hard to guess 7 numbers and win. I was wondering If he can tell me how is he choose the won numbers. is he thinking about birth combination?

edina** said...

Wow 250 milion tolars is a big number. Beside jimmy´s questions I would ask him:
1. What did your friends say?
2. Did relation between you and them changed?
3. Did you became more popular, because of he money?
4. What did you do with al that money?
5. Are you happier now or were you happier before?

Hana ! [®ARMANI PERFECTION ! ] said...

250 millin tolars ? :OO
o my god.. I wish i was he .. :P
umm i would ask him the same question as rok :P woow i'm so jelaous i think he didn't finished school :P

gregorijev said...

If i won this much money on the lottery, i'd tell the entire school to go somewhere... , I guees the money would make me spoiled, beecause all i'dd do is sit in front of tv or comp, go out sometimes with my friends but i would be stupid. My words for the winner is:" what are you going to do with this much money?" & "Where do you plant to live?"

Anonymous said...

Hmm... the first question i would ask is: Where did you get idea for the numbers? second: What did you do when you found out that you were the winner?

kaja said...

i'd probably ask how he got the lucky combination and how he is going to spend the money...questions like how his life changed from before to now are on my opinion very predictible- his life changed:he started to live more expensiver,and all his friends invited him on some drinks-wich he had to pay! :P
not that i complain,i'd love to get 250 million tolars! :D

Anonymous said...

Fame and fortune. Hmm. This is a quite difficult topic. Famous people are always famous because they're not ordinary people. Some are born famous , but some did something and they became famous. Many of famous people are not happy. They are often under pressure, they have many work to do, etc. But some lucky ones are happy. I still don't know if I would like to be famous.